My birth Story started at preconception stage. Hubby and I were trying for around 6 months when I found the most wonderful and knowledgeable fertility coach, Olivia. We approached my diet and supplementation quite aggressively due to my age (38). After a round of bloods we could see what needed attention and one area was progesterone (this was the same for when I was pregnant with my first). She suggested to see a GP that specialised in progesterone therapy. I mentioned that my daughter was born at 35+4 weeks and that I wanted to get to 37 weeks at least. I started the therapy and continued up until 36 weeks. I had blood tests every 2 weeks until 32 weeks. I continued my strength training at Fit Body Fit Mind and felt strong all the way through (stopped at 35 weeks). Adjustments to training were made accordingly.
I mentioned to Olivia that I wanted to birth at home, and she recommended that I contact Organic Midwifery. I dreamt of private care and to minimise my time in the hospital system. As I was over 35,
I didn’t want to be known as a ‘geriatric’ and ‘high risk’ patient just due to my age.
I thought I had the strength to birth at home however I wasn’t 100% sure until I spoke with Malinda.
My concerns were with haemorrhaging again like I did with my daughter. I lost a lot of blood, was weak and white and had no energy for those long days and nights in the special care nursery (we were in there for 2 weeks).
Malinda helped assure me they had everything needed if something was to happen and it made me feel better that the hospital was just around the corner if required. Each visit with Malinda and Clare (Clare Lane Midwifery) was like and education session and made me feel so at ease with my decision. I was able to ask any questions and it blew my mind with their depth of knowledge.
I felt so comfortable and heard. We caught up about 6-7 times before I birthed my baby boy. We also spoke about the impact it would have on my daughter and how to talk about what was going to happen openly. Mal loaned me a book which discussed simply all the stages and what sounds my girl would hear her mummy doing, and that I was ok.
I said that I wanted a birth photographer present. I had researched Jana Woodhouse photography and loved her style. We met at my home so Jana could get a feel of the space she would be working in.
As directed by my GP, I stopped taking my progesterone at 36 weeks. My waters broke at 36.5 days at 5am. I kept in regular contact with Mal and Clare and my birth photographer, Jana. There were no contractions that day which followed the same pattern as my daughter’s birth (12 hours no contractions and 5 hours labour).
Tuesday as a precaution, I went to the local hospital to monitor our little man. This was the first time I set foot in the hospital the whole pregnancy (scans were by referral from my doctor and Malinda). All was fine and sent home.
That night had some light contractions but stopped at 6am. Malinda organised some acupuncture locally that came to my home (my regular practitioner, Gillian Newton at vital essence, was too far as I didn’t want to leave the house). This was around 10:30am.
Once completed, I was tired and had a rest on the couch for around an hour. Once I woke, I ate something light and decided to try some nipple stimulation with my breast pump. I got through 8 minutes only on one side and I had a big noticeable contraction.
When I took my nap, my husband was out and so too was my daughter. She REALLY wanted to be present at the birth. I had visions of her being with me when her brother was born.
Looking back, I realise I was trying to have everything aligned and was worrying too much about my daughter and husband. I also felt pressure making sure we called the midwives and photographers on time, but not too early. I was too in my head which was stalling my labour. We were also packing to move 3weeks later and dealing with a house build. It was absolute Chaos.
Once I let that all go and know that what will be will be, the magic started to happen. My active labour was around 35-40mins. I remember Clare telling me that what matters is the intensity of my contractions (as this was my second birth), not how long or frequent they were.
When things were starting to pick up, my husband kept asking ‘do you want me to make the call yet?’. I thought the contractions weren’t the intensity they needed to be to make the call, so I kept putting it off. Clearly, I was mistaken. One then came with such intensity, that I yelled to my husband to FINALLY make the call (which should have probably been 15 minutes before then).
I had completed the Floor and Restore Pregnancy program by Bree and remember her speaking about horses breath to help in labour and also the position of my legs/knees/hips to better birth baby anatomically. This helped incredibly as my support crew were on their way.
I hopped in the pool, which was nice and warm. The warmth helped for 1 or 2 contractions and then after that, it didn’t matter where I was, I felt baby catapult deep into my pelvis. I felt every bit of him dropping through the vagina and the opening widening and that ring of heat. I was looking at my affirmations, squeezing my combs in both hands and thinking of all my friends and family that had birthed before me.
I was sweating and wiping down my own forehead and arms. I was so in the moment and present with these sensations. My husband was helping with making sure the water was clean and words of encouragement. He did manage to get a little video of our son entering the world and myself scooping him up like a football and whimpering, ‘I can’t believe it, I’m so happy that’s over’ all whist feeling so empowered.
I was confident in my abilities and knew that even if the midwives didn’t make it in time, that I had enough knowledge to help myself and if need be, a transfer would take place. My husband on the other hand later told me he was freaking out as he was worried they wouldn’t make it in time (which they didn’t).
When our boy was earth side, I noticed the cord was around his neck. I removed it and to make him breathe, I blew air hard at his mouth and immediately he took a big breath and started crying. What a sweet sound. I was so proud of my husband and I. Just us.
My daughter turned up 5 minutes later to soak in our newborn baby bliss. I honestly couldn’t of asked for a more magical moment. Just us 4, in awe. I was also just coming to terms with what I was able to conquer.
10 Minutes later Mal, Clare and Jana all arrived. Jana set off straight away to capture the most precious photos from that memorable evening.
I spent around 20 minutes in the birth pool and with help made it out and onto the couch. My daughter and husband both cut the cord together and she made the most precious ‘Happy Birthday’ card for our baby. My heart could not expanded any bigger than it did that evening.
My placenta took longer to birth than my baby and I am happy to note, I lost minimal blood. I was very relieved.
This was all very educational for my daughter. She watched Mal complete my placenta print and she showed her where her baby brother was living the last 9 months and what was keeping him alive. I also ordered my placenta encapsulations through Mal.
Both ladies stayed around 2 hours post birth and then we were left to enjoy our little love bubble.
Now I am 8 weeks postpartum, I feel sad that this has now all come to an end. It feels like a breakup!
I can’t thank Malinda and Clare enough for their guidance, care and professionalism though this whole time. We were made to feel like we mattered and that this was a big momentous occasion for our family, expanding from 3 to 4. It was a beautiful experience and one I will treasure forever.
I would 100% recommend Organic Midwifery to anyone considering a home birth.