Organic Midwifery Services
Organic Midwifery services are many and varied. Listed below are some of the services provided by or accessible through Organic Midwifery. Helen, Mal & Ramona will be happy to take your call and discuss your individual needs. Please visit our contact page to send an enquiry email and don’t hesitate to call us using the phone numbers listed for a general introductory chat.
Services we offer
- Continuity of care by a known midwife
- Antenatal appointments in your home
- Breastfeeding/ lactation support
- Postnatal support for 6 weeks post birth
- Waterbirth
- Birth at home
- Birth in Hospital
- Information and support using homeopathy
- Tapping for Birth
- International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)
- Amateur birth photos
- Information and support using aromatherapy
- Information and support using Acupressure
- Sterile water injections
- Rebozo
- Body work in labour
- Education on optimal fetal positioning
- TEN’s machine hire
- Pelvic Release Work
- Support with Calmbirth and Hypnobirthing techniques
- Previous birth trauma debrief
- Early parenting support and education
- Placental encapsulation and tinctures
- Placental prints
- Pool hire
- Acuneedling – acupuncture performed by a midwife
Professional Service Collaboration
We have an extensive list of health professionals that we work with frequently.
Midwifery Care Plan
Initial consultation to meet and discuss your birth preferences and how it works with our team at Organic Midwifery.
Booking appointment around 16-18 weeks including medical history, review of previous obstetric history, review of initial blood test results and early ultrasounds and a referral for 20-week ultrasound.
Your midwifery team will alternate regular appointments at 16-18, 22, 26, 30, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41+ at times that suit you in your home around your life.
During antenatal appointments we do checks of you and your baby’s health inc. blood pressure, assessing the growth of baby, listening to the fetal heart (with Doppler or Pinnards as requested), blood testing and risk assessments of the pregnancy.
At your appointments we will also discuss diet and lifestyle, exercise and movements recommended in pregnancy, later in the pregnancy we will cover birth preparation, childbirth education, breastfeeding, and postnatal preparation.
We are on call for you from booking until 7 weeks post birth.
When in labour we can come to your home once in established labour and stay with you until your baby is born. We spend 2-4hrs immediate post birth with you prior to leaving your home.
We complete any required post birth tests and investigations.
We will then offer daily visits for the first 3-5 days (or more if needed), in your home to support you with your transition as new parents (for the first time or all over again). Consistent advice and support from a known midwife helps to establish good breastfeeding outcomes.
We continue doing home visits up until the 7th week following the birth, at a pace that is appropriate for you and your family.
Services Fees
All antenatal and postnatal appointments will take place within your own home. Typically, these appointments usually take around an hour but can be longer if needed.
Please contact Organic Midwifery for a detailed fee structure.
Medicare Rebates
The amount of rebate you can expect to receive depends on your family’s personal circumstances and spending on health care in relation to the Medicare Safety net. Please visit the Medicare website or discuss this with your midwife.
The scheduled fee and the Medicare benefits paid to you as a rebate by Medicare depend on the type of appointment/service you are offered by your midwife.
Health Fund Rebates and Out-Of-Pocket Expenses
The Organic Midwifery team are fully qualified professional midwives and are registered with some major health funds. Depending on your fund and level of cover, you may be eligible for a rebate for your Midwifery care expenses. Please check with your fund regarding your eligibility and rebate amounts.
The amount of rebate (if any) will depend on your particular Health Fund and your level of cover.
Organic Midwifery will issue invoices clearly displaying Provider Numbers that you can take directly to your fund’s office to make your claim.
Continuity of Care
for women and their babies, as well as offering a more positive and personal experience.
Providing continuity of care is a core component of our high-performing midwifery practice.
Equipment Hire
Organic Midwifery make available to clients a selection of inflatable birth pools & TENS machines for hire.
Birth pools are available to hire from 37 weeks onwards until your baby is born. TENS machine hire periods vary and can be discussed with your Organic Midwifery Midwife in the lead up to your due date.
Please contact Helen, Mal or Ramona using the contact form on this website to discuss availability and pricing.